Thursday 28 February 2013

How To Turn To Islam

How To Turn To Islam Details
 The phrase “Muslim” indicates one who gives up to the will of God, regardless of their competition, nationality or cultural qualifications. Becoming a Islamic is a simple procedure that needs no pre-requisites. One may convert alone in comfort, or he/she may do so in the use of others.
If anyone has a actual wish to be a Islamic and has complete indictment and powerful perception that Islam is the actual religious beliefs of God, then, all one needs to do is articulate the “Shahada”, the statement of trust, without further wait. The “Shahada” is the first and most essential of the five support beams of Islam.
With the diction of this statement, or “Shahada”, with honest perception and indictment, one goes into the times of Islam.
 Upon coming into the times of Islam simply for the Satisfaction of God, all of someone’s past sins are pardoned, and one begins a new lifestyle of piety and righteousness. The Prophet said to a individual who had placed the situation upon the Prophet in recognizing Islam that God would absolve his sins:
“Do you not know that recognizing Islam ruins all sins which come before it?” (Saheeh Muslim)

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